On my last post, Fred left the following comment:
How about some sort of pact/agreement to blog on a schedule. I will if you will. Something like it doesn't matter what you post, just post. Charlie Burton rocks.
It's funny that Fred should suggest a pact to blog on a schedule. I've been trying to get him to write regularly for years now. And suddenly he comes up with this brilliant idea to just post on whatever?
Yeah, whatever, alright.
You're a good writer, Fred. You're certainly a good story teller. And your grammar, spelling and fundamentals are spot on.
But to post something regularly?
No offense, but you're not that type.
First of all, writing takes discipline. Sorry, strike one, buddy.
Secondly, those who post regularly are typically serial people. You're not.
Serial people have running dialogs on a specific topics. They follow set sequences of events that loop continuously. You can take this off line and look at Bryan's style on the GamJams-Midwest website. Over there, he lays it out methodically. There's a theme for each day: Monday's Media recap, Tuesday's Could've Should've Would've, etc...
But you're not a serial writer, and that's by your own admission. I present exhibit A, where you literally flaunt your story as part 1 of 1:
Seriously, who labels a post, "part 1 of 1"?
But to your credit, at least you finished that one. Yes, those who write regularly finish what they start. Sure, good story tellers may leave you dangling on that cliff-hanger from time to time, but they'll eventually let the gas out of bag. I mean, it took six months to learn that it was JR's angry sister-in-law Kristin who done it. But that was prime-time dramatic television at its finest.
In blogging, cliff hangers should dangle for 24-48 hours. Three days, tops.
Yet how many times have you promised, 'To be continued...' only to never finish the damn story?
Did you ever think about what this reckless abandonment does to your audience? And by your audience, I'm speaking of Wesley Johnson. (Hi Wes, I'm taking this point directly to the Man for you). I'd be willing to bet there's a mark on your stat counter every day that originated from Wesley's cubicle. He's waiting for you to tie up all those dangling threads. But you never will.
I'm begging you. Unless you're absolutely committed to this pact, please, do us all (and by all, I am thinking again of Wesley Johnson) a favor and don't take up this pact. Because if you do -- and leave us (Wes) hanging --
Ack! Thpppt!!!!! Crap, another hair ball's coming up.
Hang on, I'll be right back
The way I see it, I still have 22 hours and change to meet my deadline. and I don't believe any writer worth his salt makes deadlines.