Friday, October 22, 2010

Easy Friday -- My Bike Has Been Sullied

Someone has defiled my cyclocross bike with a Hawkeyes Club sticker. For Shame, for shame!


  1. So when are you going to actually race the cross bike? You should be out winning cat 3 races and upgrading.

  2. Thanks for the sentiments, Randy. Unfortunately, priorities have shifted and I lack the time to train properly right now. However, I've been enjoying following the progress of others locally and look forward to lining up with you again next year

  3. Emma just looked at this picture and said, "oohhhh cooool", I'm sure Wes's girls are equally excited.

  4. I love your bike! Emma is amazed at your work. I am Emma Shimonek and I love it so much!

    See Brady you have fans in the Shimonek House as well.

  5. Brady, dust that sticker for finger prints and you'll find the culprit: either Connie or Katy. And who could blame them - that near Hawkeye yellow bike begs anointment from an Iowa fan. Could have been a dreaded Sooner sticker. Ol' Dad

  6. Connie or Katy, there in lie your culprits.

  7. Thanks for the comments, Emma. I'm glad that you like the bike. You should comment more often than your Dad does. For one, your comments are nicer. And for two, you spell better than he does. So thanks!


    For now, the sticker remains on the bike. Not for the Hawkeyes sake, nor for that of Shim. It remains there for Emma and my sisters-in-law Connie and Katy.

  8. That won't distract/turn as many heads as Peter Robertson's (ITU guy when I was racing) bike. He'd cut out pictures of lingerie/swimsuit models and tape them to his seat stays in hopes that you'd get distracted and crash.


  9. here is what Mario Cippolini put on his handlebar stem.

    He was married at the time, but said
    he'd already a-seen-a his-a wife-a...

    Italians. Geez.
