Thursday, July 22, 2010

Jens Voigt Spotted on Old Yeller?

It's been pointed out to me that Jens "Shut Up Legs" Voigt was photographed on a loaner bike after crashing on Stage 16 of TDF. The loaner bike bears a remarkable resemblance to my road bike known as Old Yeller.

You be the judge.

Jens Voigt on the loaner bike

WSCG himself on Old Yeller

Something doesn't quite look right. Yeah, someone photo-shopped Jens to make it appear that he's on Old Yeller.


  1. Jens Voigt must be about my size then - because that's about how ridiculous I'd look on one of your tiny little bikes.

  2. Yes, but which tiny bike are you referring to?
    1) The original Old Yeller was a 56 cm.
    2) The new original Old Yeller (cross bike) is a 51.
    3) The newer original Madone Old Yeller was a 54.
    4) #3 has since been replaced with that black Madone. It's also a 54. Let's call this one the "newest original Madone not-yellow old Yeller"

  3. Don't them Madones come with a custom paint job? What's up with that, Brady?

  4. Even Jens Voight* is hairier than you are even after he's shaved down.

    Not everyone can be as hirsutely** handsome*** as me.

    If Brady ever opens a restaurant or bike shop, please hand Old Yeller from the ceiling.

    *Jens Voigt is so tough that when he and Lance compared their respective "balls", Jens won 5-1
    **on my legs, back & upper arms, not scalp.
    *** my best two qualities are my humility and modesty.

  5. Couldn't stop laughing after seeing that second photo.
